haku: @indexterm INSTITUTIONAL ECONOMICS / yhteensä: 112
viite: 10 / 112
Tekijä: | Miller, J. |
Otsikko: | The ongoing legitimacy project: corporate philanthropy as protective strategy |
Lehti: | European management review
2008 : AUTUMN, VOL. 5:3, p. 151-164 |
Asiasana: | corporate philanthropy labour institutional economics sociology theories health service USA |
Vapaa asiasana: | legitimacy |
Kieli: | eng |
Tiivistelmä: | This paper proposes that legitimacy is a scarce intangible resource that is always contested. As a socially defined resource, legitimacy (henceforth as: leg-y.) represents relational power within a community. This paper looks at the issue of healthcare-related employment benefits, noting that organizations deny such benefits in communities containing strong labour movements (as: s-l-mvts.), substituting less expensive corporate philanthropic practices to demonstrate commitment to the social contract and norms of leg-y. while simultaneously denying the leg-y. of organized labour's agenda. However, in communities without s-l-mvts., corporations are less encumbered in providing healthcare benefits etc. |