haku: @author Keil, T. / yhteensä: 6
viite: 3 / 6
Tekijä: | Laamanen, T. Keil, T. |
Otsikko: | Performance of serial acquirers: toward an acquisition program perspective |
Lehti: | Strategic Management Journal
2008 : JUN, VOL. 29:6, p. 663-672 |
Asiasana: | strategic planning companies industries USA |
Vapaa asiasana: | acquisitions |
Kieli: | eng |
Tiivistelmä: | Based on an analysis of the most active acquirers in seven U.S. industry sectors in the 1990s, it is found that both a high rate of acquisitions (here as: acq./acqs.) and a high variability of the rate are negatively related to performance. An acquirer's size, the scope of its acq. program, and acq. experience moderate the relationship by weakening the negative effects. The findings contribute to an improved understanding of acq. capabilities and program-level acq. performance. |