haku: @indexterm advertising media / yhteensä: 223
viite: 13 / 223
Tekijä:Hoy, M.G.
Lwin, M.O.
Otsikko:An international perspective of online disclosure presentation: a comparison of banner ad disclosures from United States, United Kingdom, and Singapore web sites
Lehti:Journal of Consumer Policy
2008 : SEP, VOL. 31:3, p. 327-347
advertising media
United Kingdom
Vapaa asiasana:online
banner ads
Tiivistelmä:The study compares the hundred most popular web page advertisements in three countries, the United States, Great Britain and Singapore, and investigates how strictly the banner advertisement disclosures comply with the U.S. Federal Trade Commission guidance on online advertising. The study found that there were no systematic differences between the countries, regardless of whether the internet advertising themselves restricted or controlled by the administration. Both the governments and consumers will benefit when they obtain accurate and complete information. The study highlights the need for further research to find out the effects of different linguistic and cultural factors.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 268062
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