haku: @author Furnari, S. / yhteensä: 1
viite: 1 / 1
« edellinen | seuraava »
Tekijä:Grandori, A.
Furnari, S.
Otsikko:A chemistry of organization: combinatory analysis and design
Lehti:Organization Studies
2008 : VOL. 29:3, p. 459-485
Asiasana:organizational design
organizational development
Tiivistelmä:This paper provides generalized useful models for organization design. The effective combinations of organizational elements and rules related their linkages are empirically tested. The empirical evidence is based on the interviews and questionnaire responses of employees working in 75 firms operating in Italy. The organizations can take advantage of these finding in order to improve the levels of efficiency and innovation.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 268793
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« edellinen | seuraava »