haku: @indexterm Managerial activities / yhteensä: 240
viite: 11 / 240
Tekijä:Shore, T.H.
Bommer, W.H.
Shore, L.M.
Otsikko:An integrative model of managerial perceptions of employee commitment: antecedents and influences on employee treatment
Lehti:Journal of Organizational Behavior
2008 : JUL, VOL. 29:5, p. 635-655
managerial activities
organizational commitment
Tiivistelmä:This study develops and test an integrative model of antecedents and outcomes of managerial perceptions of employee organizational commitment with 490 employees of a publicly owned U.S. manufacturing firm. The findings are consistent with predictions showing that self-reported affective commitment and supervisor-focused impression management predicted managerial perceptions of affective commitment, whereas age, tenure, education, training and development, and self-focused impression management were related to managerial perceptions of continuance commitment. Furthermore, manager-rated affective and continuance commitment were differentially related to supervisory treatment of the employee (i.e. receiving contingent rewards and non-contingent punishment).
SCIMA tietueen numero: 269514
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