haku: @indexterm russia / yhteensä: 841
viite: 16 / 841
Tekijä: | Badunenko, O. Tochkov, K. |
Otsikko: | Soaring dragons, roaring tigers, growling bears: Determinants of regional growth and convergence in China, India and Russia |
Lehti: | Economics of transition
2010 : VOL. 18:3, p. 539-570 |
Asiasana: | regional development growth data envelopment analysis Asia India Russia |
Vapaa asiasana: | comparative analysis convergence |
Kieli: | eng |
Tiivistelmä: | Using non-parametric methods and density estimates, this study performs a comparative analysis of regional growth and convergence in China, Russia and India over from 1993 to 2003. It is found that wealthy regions were mainly responsible for the rapid growth in all three countries. For China and India, capital dissipation was identified as the key determinant of regional growth (here as: r-growth). In Russia, capital deepening hindered positive changes in labour productivity, with technological change being the only source of r-growth. Moreover, it is found that the increasing regional income inequality in all three countries was driven by technological change which more than covers the convergence resulting from capital deepening in China and India. |