haku: @indexterm international marketing / yhteensä: 640
viite: 14 / 640
Tekijä:Chung, H.F.L.
Otsikko:Structure of marketing decision making and international marketing standardization strategies
Lehti:European Journal of Marketing
2009 : VOL. 43:5-6, p. 794-825
Asiasana:international marketing
decision making
Vapaa asiasana:standardization
Tiivistelmä:The purpose of this study is to add insights to the new field of research concerning marketing standardization wherein it is suggested that the structure of marketing decision making is likely to be a factor of marketing standardization strategy. Article aims to propose and test a research framework concerning the relationships among environmental factors, the structure of decision making and marketing standardization/performance. The focus is on promotion and product. The findings suggest that the structure of decision making is likely to have an indirect effect on marketing standardization. Firms adopting high and low degree centralisation structure can benefit from operating in a similar high/low environment.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 270825
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