haku: @indexterm advertising media / yhteensä: 223
viite: 11 / 223
Tekijä:Spalding, L.
Cole, S.
Fayer, A.
Otsikko:How rich-media video technology boosts branding goals. Different online advertising formats drive different brand-performance metrics
Lehti:Journal of Advertising Research
2009 : SEP, VOL. 49:3, p. 285-292
Asiasana:advertising campaigns
advertising media
brand choice
Vapaa asiasana:branding
Internet advertising
Tiivistelmä:It is asked 'Why use rich media in brand campaigns?' Over 4,000 online campaigns (hereafter as: cpgs.) in Dynamic Logic's MarketNorms (Registered trademark) database were compared to identify the brand impact of those cpgs. using rich-media (here as: r-m.) as compared to those using "simple" flash and image formats (here as: s-f-i). Compared were Delta scores for the cpgs. across five branding metrics, and it is indicated that cpgs. using r-m. formats generally had stronger branding effects compared to cpgs. using GIF/JPG and s-f-i. formats. The strongest performance was found in cpgs. using r-m. advertisements with video features. Thus, new strategies are suggested for improving brand campaign performance based on advertising format choice.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 271085
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