haku: @indexterm holidays / yhteensä: 81
viite: 18 / 81
Tekijä: | Frent, C. |
Otsikko: | The economic importance of vacation homes from the Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) perspective |
Lehti: | Tourism review = Revue de tourism = Zeitschrift für Tourismus
2009 : VOL. 64:2, p. 19-27 |
Asiasana: | tourist industry tourism holidays leave value added |
Vapaa asiasana: | buildings |
Kieli: | eng |
Tiivistelmä: | This paper aims at showing how the effect of vacation home (hereafter as: vac-h./vac-hs.) tourism (here as: v-h-t.) can be quantified within the Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) which is a statistical standard recommended by international organizations, e.g. Eurostat, OECD and UNWTO. TSA measures the economic importance (here as: econ-impc.) of tourism in the same way as the system of national accounts. The study focuses on the analysis of a conceptual framework for the v-h-t. statistics as it is reflected in the international statistical standards 2008 International Recommendations on Tourism Statistics (IRTS) and TSA: Recommended Methodological Framework (TSA:RMF). In addition, the analysis is exemplified by some TSA country results referring to vac-hs. It is found that the figures obtained are variable from country to another, providing an index for the "level of econ-impc. of vac-hs.". However, the level of econ-impc. of vac-hs. depends strongly on the measurements that each country decides to be included in their TSA in relation to vac-hs. Thus, the international comparability of data could be affected. |