haku: @indexterm contingency theory / yhteensä: 70
viite: 6 / 70
Tekijä: | Jansen, J.J.P. (et al.) |
Otsikko: | Senior team attributes and organizational ambidexterity: The moderating role of transformational leadership |
Lehti: | Journal of Management Studies
2008 : JUL, VOL. 45:5, p. 982-1007 |
Asiasana: | executives leadership team work groups decision making organizational effectiveness organizational structure contingency theory |
Kieli: | eng |
Tiivistelmä: | This study examines the role of senior team (henceforth as: s-t.) attributes and leadership behaviour in mediating conflicting interests among s-t. members and achieving organizational ambidexterity (here as: amb-ty). It is found that a s-t. shared vision and contingency rewards (as: cnt-rwds.) are associated with a firm's ability of combining high levels of exploratory and exploitative innovations. Moreover, an executive director's transformational leadership is shown to increase the effectiveness (as: eff.) of s-t. attributes in ambidextrous organizations (here as: amb-orgs.), moderating the eff. of s-t. social integration and cnt-rwds. Hence, this study explicates how senior executives mediate conflicting demands and facilitate the balancing of seemingly contradictory forces in amb-orgs. |