haku: @indexterm gas industry / yhteensä: 194
viite: 12 / 194
Tekijä:Noke, H.
Perrons, R.K.
Hughes, M.
Otsikko:Strategic dalliances as an enabler for discontinuous innovation in slow clockspeed industries: Evidence from the oil and gas industry
Lehti:R & D Management
2008 : MAR, VOL. 38:2, p. 129-139
technological innovation
oil industry
gas industry
case studies
Tiivistelmä:The concept of 'strategic dalliances' which is defined as non-committal relationships that companies can 'dip in and out of', or dally with, while simultaneously maintaining longer-term strategic partnerships with other firms and suppliers, has emerged as a promising strategy through which organizations are able to create discontinuous innovations (henceforth as: d-invn/s.) Toward assessing the role of industry clockspeed playing in the success or failure of strategic dalliances, provided is case study evidence from Twister BV, an upstream oil and gas technology provider. It is shown that in slow clockspeed industries, strategic dalliances can be an enabler for the d-invn/s. process.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 271860
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