haku: @indexterm NEW ZEALAND / yhteensä: 187
viite: 9 / 187
Tekijä: | Pfeffer, F.T. |
Otsikko: | Persistent inequality in educational attainment and its institutional context |
Lehti: | European sociological review
2008 : DEC, VOL. 24:5, p. 543-565 |
Asiasana: | education inequality mobility developed economies Europe Canada USA Chile New Zealand |
Kieli: | eng |
Tiivistelmä: | Educational (henceforth as: edcal.) opportunities are shown repeatedly by research to be distributed unevenly in all countries. Edcal. inequality (here as: ineqy.) is conceptualized as the association btw. individuals and their parents highest attained edcal. level. In this paper, intergenerational edcal. mobility processes are analyzed for 20 industrialized nations using log-linear and log-multiplicative models. It is shown that the degree of edcal. mobility has been stable across the 2nd half of the 20th century. However, nations differ widely in the extent to which parents education influences their children's edcal. attainment. The degree of edcal. ineqy. is associated with the institutional structure of national education systems. |