haku: @freeterm social media / yhteensä: 21
viite: 17 / 21
Tekijä: | |
Otsikko: | What do virtual worlds mean for business? Exploring the potential of the 3-D web for collaboration activity |
Lehti: | Knowledge Management Review
2008 : JUL/AUG, VOL. 11:3, p. 30-33 |
Asiasana: | virtual reality knowledge management communication co-operation virtual organizations |
Vapaa asiasana: | social media |
Kieli: | eng |
Tiivistelmä: | The article looks at the impact of the virtual worlds e.g. Second Life on organizational knowledge sharing and collaboration. The article is based on Melcrum's report on social media usage in companies. The article presents real life examples and reviews the role of social media now and in the future. |