haku: @indexterm welfare state / yhteensä: 83
viite: 11 / 83
Tekijä: | Bäckman, O. |
Otsikko: | Institutions, structures and poverty - A comparative study of 16 countries, 1980-2000 |
Lehti: | European sociological review
2009 : APR, VOL. 25:2, p. 251-264 |
Asiasana: | welfare state social security unemployment insurance poverty sociology country comparisons Australia Europe Scandinavia USA |
Kieli: | eng |
Tiivistelmä: | This article aims at explaining both the temporal (herein as: temp.) and the spatial (as: spat.) variation (as: var.) of poverty rates (as: pov-rts.) in terms of social insurance indicators and structural / socio-demographic factors. It is suggested that structural change in terms of female (as: fem.) labour force (as: lb-f.) participation (as: prtcpn.) rate and the proportion of families with children primarily explains the temp. var. in pov-rts. The institutional social insurance factors primarily explain the spat. var., that is, the var. btw. countries. Partly also the temp. var. is explained by changes in welfare state generosity. However, the effects on temp. var. vary across time and it seems as if on average pov-rts. during the 1980s were held back by increasing fem. lb-f. prtcpn. and decreasing family sizes, while during the 1990s pov-rts. were upheld by welfare state retrenchments, primarily within the domain of unemployment insurance. |