haku: @indexterm economic growth / yhteensä: 1784
viite: 15 / 1784
Tekijä: | Schiffbauer, M. Shen, L. |
Otsikko: | Democracy vs. dictatorship Comparing the evolution of economic growth under two political regimes |
Lehti: | Economics of transition
2010 : JAN, VOL. 18:1, p. 59-90 |
Asiasana: | dictatorships democracy economic growth Korea China Egypt models |
Vapaa asiasana: | political transition GDP |
Kieli: | eng |
Tiivistelmä: | The article focuses on analyzes that economic growth under two political regimes, The author examines that a positive link between GDP growth and democracy indexes and uses a stylized empirical fact in-depth analysis which ways the growth performance between autocratic and democratic economies may differ, in particular among low-income countries. Based on the key features of the model demonstrates that poor but large and stable dictatorships exhibit a higher equilibrium growth rate than comparable (equally poor) democracies. Moreover, there exists a particular threshold value in income such that the growth-reducing impact of dictatorial consumption (corruption) outweighs the higher (initial) public investments. Above this, the growth rate under democracy dominates the one in dictatorship. |