haku: @indexterm new enterprise / yhteensä: 193
viite: 11 / 193
Tekijä: | Dejardin, M. Fritsch, M. (guest eds.) |
Otsikko: | Entrepreneurial dynamics and regional growth |
Lehti: | Small business economics
2011 : MAY, VOL. 36:4, p. 377-382 |
Asiasana: | entrepreneurship new enterprise regional development |
Vapaa asiasana: | sector-specific effects |
Kieli: | eng |
Tiivistelmä: | This editorial presents this Special issue on 'Entrepreneurial dynamics and regional growth'. The article contents as follows: "Why does the effect of new business formation differ across regions?" by M. Fritsch and A. Schroeter ; "Creative destruction and regional productivity growth: evidence from the Dutch manufacturing and services industries" by N. Bosma, E. Stam and V. Schutjens ; "New firm formation and employment growth: regional and business dynamics" by R. Baptista and M.T. Preto ; "Linking net entry to regional economic growth" by M. Dejardin ; "Start-ups and employment dynamics within and across sectors" by M. Andersson and F. Noseleit ; "Individual foundings and organizational foundings: their effect on employment growth in The Netherlands" by S. Koster ; "New business formation in a rapidly growing economy: the Irish experience" by M. Anyadike-Danes, M. Hart and H. Lenihan. |