haku: @indexterm South America / yhteensä: 100
viite: 5 / 100
Tekijä: | Figueiredo, P.N. |
Otsikko: | The role of dual embeddedness in the innovative performance of MNE subsidiaries: evidence from Brazil |
Lehti: | Journal of Management Studies
2011 : MAR, VOL. 48:2, p. 417-440 |
Asiasana: | multinational companies subsidiary companies innovation performance appraisal competition South America Brazil |
Kieli: | eng |
Tiivistelmä: | This study explores variability across subsidiaries (hereafter as: subs.) in the same industry in terms of innovative performance (her as: i-perf.) as an outcome of the manner and extent to which they embed within both corporate (internal) and local (external) counterparts (herein as: c-prts). Based on fieldwork evidence of seven subs. operating in Brazil from 1996 to 2007 it is found that: 1. subs. that could develop knowledge-intensive linkages with specific internal and external c-prts. simultaneously and based on continually increased frequency and improved quality achieved higher i-perf. levels than subs. developing such linkages with limited frequency and unchanged quality over time, and 2. some c-prts. and linkages were more effective than others as to contributing to i-perf. of the subs. |