haku: @indexterm supply chain management / yhteensä: 283
viite: 12 / 283
Tekijä:Hammervoll, T.
Bo, E.
Otsikko:Shipper-carrier integration: overcoming the transparency problem through trust and collaboration
Lehti:European Journal of Marketing
2010 : VOL 44:7/8, p. 1121-1139
Asiasana:supply chain management
distribution channels
freight forwarding
grocery trade
distribution costs
Tiivistelmä:The article discusses the "transparency problem" in wholesaler supply chain management, and how this problem could be solved. A decision-support tool that provides cost-analysis of transportation is introduced and tested in a context of a grocery supply chain of one shipper and two carriers in Norway. The use of the introduced decision tool seems to result in integrated collaborative relationship between the parties, enhanced communication and trust, as well as savings in distribution costs.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 272682
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