haku: @indexterm Financial reporting / yhteensä: 743
viite: 16 / 743
Tekijä:Mourik, C. van
Otsikko:The equity theories and financial reporting: an analysis
Lehti:Accounting in Europe
2010 : VOL 7:1-2 p. 191-211
Asiasana:accounting standards
financial reporting
Tiivistelmä:This paper reviews accounting literature in the English language proprietary and entity theory in order to understand their implications for financial accounting and reporting. The main contribution of this paper is twofold. First, it explains in operational terms why an entity perspective of the company is theoretically irreconcilable with the asset-liability approach to the determination of income. Second, it makes clear that there is always an implicit perspective to financial reporting. Inconsistency in accounting standards results if the implicit perspective is not the same as the perceived focus of decision-usefulness.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 272852
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