haku: @indexterm russia / yhteensä: 841
viite: 20 / 841
Tekijä:Dunn, G.
Annaraud, K.
Schrock, J.
Otsikko:Russian gamblers: who are they?
Lehti:Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing
2009 : VOL 26:4, p.355-363
Asiasana:gambling industry
Tiivistelmä:The consumers' gambling opportunities in Russia have spread quickly with the growth of the Russian gaming industry. However a new law is established in July 2009, that will restrict the gambling opportunities in the country into four "gaming zones". This article aims to examine the Russian gaming industry along with its attitudes, perceptions, travel habits and lifestyles. Data for the study is collected from interviews with gamblers in six major cities in Russia during 2007. The results construct a typical profile of a Russian gambler.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 273093
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