haku: @indexterm Perception / yhteensä: 272
viite: 17 / 272
Tekijä: | Gao, Z. Scorpio, E.A. |
Otsikko: | Does puffery deceive? An empirical investigation |
Lehti: | Journal of Consumer Policy
2011 : JUN, VOL. 34:2, p. 249-264 |
Asiasana: | consumer behaviour perception brands advertising law USA |
Vapaa asiasana: | experiments |
Kieli: | eng |
Tiivistelmä: | This paper reports four experiments exploring whether puffery (henceforth as: pfy.) in advertising deceives or not. The 1st study tested the effects of six levels of pfy. on consumer perceptions (as: prcps.) of advertisement (here as: ad/s.) truthfulness (here as: t-ness.) and brand attitude. The 2nd study tested the effect of pfy. on prcps. of ad/s. t-ness. under low- and high-product involvement conditions. The 3rd study compared pfy. to fact-based claims, finding that these claims increased prcps. of ad/s. t-ness. The 4th study found that prcps. of ad/s. t-ness. decreased with the consumer exposing to pfy. in an ad and also in a competitor's ad. |