haku: @indexterm Organization theory / yhteensä: 191
viite: 9 / 191
Tekijä:Fendt, J.
Kaminska-Labbé, R.
Otsikko:Relevance and creativity through design-driven action research: Introducing pragmatic adequacy
Lehti:European Management Journal
2011 : JUN, VOL 29:3 p. 217-233
Asiasana:management science
management theory
organization theory
action research
Vapaa asiasana:design science
Tiivistelmä:This research paper presents a meta-synthesis (1904-2010) of seminal voices on the "relevance gap", the abyss between management science and management practice, and on remedies proposed. Dominant paradigms about truth and meaning, as well as relevance and its implications, are discussed. The focal point is on design-driven action research methods. The notion of pragmatic adequacy is introduced to explain how design-driven action research approaches can reduce the relevance gap, facilitate change and enhance creativity.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 273257
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