haku: @indexterm fuel / yhteensä: 80
viite: 11 / 80
Tekijä: | Bright, R. M. Stromman, A. H. |
Otsikko: | Life cycle assessment of second generation bioethanols produced from Scandinavian boreal forest resources: A regional analysis for middle Norway |
Lehti: | Journal of industrial ecology
2009 : AUG, VOL. 13:4, p. 514-531 |
Asiasana: | fuel life cycles Norway timber global warming |
Vapaa asiasana: | industrial ecology biofuels |
Kieli: | eng |
Tiivistelmä: | This article aims to quantify the resource potential of boreal forest of Scandinavia and explore the environmental implications of wood-based transportation compared to a fossil reference system foe a specific region in Norway. The study shows that global warming emission reductions of 46% to 68% per-MJ-gasoline avoided can be realized in the region. |