haku: @indexterm Product development / yhteensä: 1086
viite: 17 / 1086
Tekijä: | Brun, E. Saetre, A.S. |
Otsikko: | Managing ambiguity in new product development projects |
Lehti: | Creativity and innovation management
2009 : MAR, VOL. 18:1 p. 24-34 |
Asiasana: | product development projects medical equipment industry case studies |
Vapaa asiasana: | ambiguity |
Kieli: | eng |
Tiivistelmä: | The article discusses ambiguity as a vital component of "fuzziness" in new product development (NDP) projects. A model through which ambiguity in NDP projects can be classified and managed is presented. The model is based on case studies of firms that make medical devices. Ambiguity is classified according to two axes: sources of ambiguity and subjects of ambiguity. Two ways of managing ambiguity are presented: sustaining it or reducing it. When managing ambiguity, the need for clarity and the need for novelty and flexibility need to be constantly harmonized. |