haku: @indexterm conflict / yhteensä: 578
viite: 18 / 578
Tekijä: | Nowak, A. (et al.) |
Otsikko: | Seeking sustainable solutions: Using an attractor simulation platform for teaching multistakeholder negotiation in complex cases |
Lehti: | Negotiation Journal
2010 : JAN, VOL. 26:1 p. 49-68 |
Asiasana: | negotiation complexity conflict system dynamics |
Vapaa asiasana: | attractors |
Kieli: | eng |
Tiivistelmä: | The paper investigates the pedagogical use of a computer simulation of conflict attractors (attractor software) that enables participants to work interactively with the dynamics of conflict as they unfold over time. A negotiation workshop that uses the simulation to improve participants' understanding of complex long-term dynamics in conflict is presented. Furthermore, results of two outcome studies comparing the effectiveness of a workshop that used the simulation with one that used a traditional integrative problem-solving method. The findings indicate that an understanding of the dynamical approach to conflict, supported by use of the attractor software, can enhance the development of more sustainable solutions for long-term conflicts. |