haku: @indexterm supply chain management / yhteensä: 283
viite: 17 / 283
Tekijä:Hanf, J.H.
Gagalyuk, T.
Otsikko:Supply chain quality and its managerial challenges - Insights from Ukrainian agri-food business
Lehti:Journal for East European Management Studies (JEEMS)
2009 : VOL. 14:4, p. 332-356
Asiasana:supply chain management
food industry
transition economies
Eastern Europe
Tiivistelmä:This study examines the effect of the East-European business environment on quality management (henceforth as: q-m.) as a way of operationalizing chain management (herein as: c-m.) strategies, focusing especially on the Ukrainian agri-food business. 15 in-depth expert interviews uncover the infancy of c-m. in transition economies. General mechanisms of c-m. are primarily set by foreign companies acting as focal companies in their supply chain networks. At the same time, progress in operationalization of c-m., incl. q-m., is still hindered, mainly because of institutional and infrastructural conditions.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 273948
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