haku: @indexterm patents / yhteensä: 284
viite: 11 / 284
Tekijä: | Clarkson, G. Toh, P.K. |
Otsikko: | 'Keep out' signs: the role of deterrence in the competition for resources |
Lehti: | Strategic Management Journal
2010 : NOV, VOL. 31:11, p. 1202-1225 |
Asiasana: | companies inventions patents disclosure competition resources |
Vapaa asiasana: | heterogeneity deterrence |
Kieli: | eng |
Tiivistelmä: | It is argued that resource heterogeneity may arise when firms are deterred from a technological space on being shown what resources competitors already have got within that space. Herein, patent reexamination certificates are used for illustration. It is demonstrated how rivals' reexamination certificates within a technological space induce a firm to subsequently allocate less inventive effort, based on two mechanisms-indications of rivals' developmental speed and exclusionary ability. The two mechanisms are further developed by arguing that the deterrence effect is stronger when competitors' speed is enhanced by their downstream capabilities etc. |