haku: @indexterm workers / yhteensä: 414
viite: 20 / 414
Tekijä: | Carey, M. |
Otsikko: | 'It's a bit like being a robot or working in a factory': Does Braverman help explain the experiences of state social workers in Britain since 1971? |
Lehti: | Organization
2009 : JUL, VOL. 16:4, p. 505-527 |
Asiasana: | social services public services work workers employees United Kingdom theories labour |
Vapaa asiasana: | processes deskilling managerialism |
Kieli: | eng |
Tiivistelmä: | Based on empirical evidence, this article critically assesses the role of the state social worker since their expansion in Britain since 1971 by considering the validity of Braverman's (1974) thesis to practitioners' experiences in the context of three eras within the life span of the social service department. In spite of prominent deficiencies, it is argued that Braverman's overall sentiment with many of the specific nuances, still provide much help in contextualizing the changing nature of state social work, as a labour process held within the increasingly 'competitive' state. Finally, some suggested components of a possible reformed labour process theory are provided. |