haku: @indexterm Product development / yhteensä: 1086
viite: 15 / 1086
Tekijä:Pullen, A. (et al.)
Otsikko:Successful patterns of internal SME characteristics leading to high overall innovation performance
Lehti:Creativity and innovation management
2009 : SEP, VOL. 18:3, p. 209-223
Asiasana:new products
product development
performance appraisal
small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
Tiivistelmä:Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) wrestle with the paradox of developing new products and technologies on the one hand and minimizing costs on the other. Compared to large firms, SMEs have many problems in their innovation process, influencing negatively on their overall innovation performance (hereafter as: inn-perf). Herein, successful patterns of internal SME characteristics leading to high overall inn-perf. are explored. In order to find patterns in the internal characteristics of SMEs with high overall inn-perf. cluster analyses were used. It is found that companies focusing on incremental innovation and achieving high overall inn-perf. share indeed a pattern in their internal organization. This paper contributes to the current body of knowledge by comparing high- and low-performing companies based on competence differences etc.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 274460
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