haku: @indexterm Product development / yhteensä: 1086
viite: 12 / 1086
Tekijä:Coughlan, P.
Graham, A.
Otsikko:Embedding a threshold concept in teaching and learning of product development management
Lehti:Creativity and innovation management
2009 : SEP, VOL. 18:3, p. 190-198
Asiasana:new products
product development
Irish Republic
Vapaa asiasana:teaching
Tiivistelmä:Herein, insights from the literature on threshold concepts are used to develop a structure for understanding teaching and learning in the area of managing product development. The threshold concept is defined, pedagogic principles are outlined and learning activities are described aiming to enact these principles. The paper is based on experience of an established final-year university undergraduate course.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 274464
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