haku: @indexterm new enterprise / yhteensä: 193
viite: 17 / 193
Tekijä: | Raasch, C. (et al.) (guest eds.) |
Otsikko: | Special issue on community-based innovation |
Lehti: | Creativity and innovation management
2010 : SEP, VOL. 19:3, p. 197 |
Asiasana: | innovation technology competition co-operation case studies new enterprise companies |
Vapaa asiasana: | start-ups communities knowledge sharing |
Kieli: | eng |
Tiivistelmä: | This is a special section according to the title with the following articles: "How open is Open Source? - Software and beyond" by K. Balka, C. Raasch and C. Herstatt ; "Virtual communities for innovation: Influence factors and impact on company innovation" by A. Schröder and K. Hölzle ; "A user community-based approach to leveraging technological competences: An exploratory case study of a technology start-up from MIT" by P. Keinz and R. Prügl ; "Community-based innovation contests: Where competition meets cooperation" by A.C. Bullinger (et al.) ; "Netnography as a method of lead user identification" by F-M. Belz and W. Baumbach ; "Dual allegiance and knowledge sharing in open source software firms" by J. Chan and K. Husted. |