haku: @indexterm management education / yhteensä: 1011
viite: 12 / 1011
Tekijä: | Brunsson, K.H. |
Otsikko: | Fayolskt management skapar gap |
Lehti: | Nordiske organisasjons studier
2011 : VOL. 13:4, p. 77-90 |
Asiasana: | management work management education management research management theory |
Vapaa asiasana: | management practice |
Kieli: | swe |
Tiivistelmä: | There are four "gaps" identified with relation to management (herein as: mgmt.): gaps btw. mgmt. research and mgmt. practice, btw. mgmt. education and mgmt. practice, btw. mgmt. research and mgmt. education, and btw. how managers should work and how they actually work. These gaps are referred to an academic ambition to provide mgmt. recommendations being at the same time generally accepted and of immediate use to managers, and an organization-specific mgmt. practice. The prevalence of mgmt. fashions is interpreted to indicate a failure in establishing absolutely a Fayolist kind of mgmt. "success recipe" or mgmt. theory, and evidence-based mgmt. as a return to a Taylorist kind of mgmt. A continuous discussion on how the gaps might be closed is suggested to serve, actually, to maintain them (original in Swedish). |