haku: @indexterm small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) / yhteensä: 396
viite: 29 / 396
Tekijä:Battaglia, M. (et al.)
Otsikko:An innovative model to promote CSR among SMEs operating in industrial clusters: evidence from an EU project
Lehti:Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental management
2010 : MAY-JUN, VOL. 17:3, p. 133-141
Asiasana:European Union
corporate responsibility
social responsibility
small and medium-sized enterprises (smes)
small business
trade unions
Vapaa asiasana:intermediary institutions
industrial clusters
Tiivistelmä:This paper presents the findings of an EU co-funded project, an idea developed in order to better understand the opportunities to formalize corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in a clustered system. Small companies often need to compete in a global market. This is why cooperation among SMEs, and with local stakeholders and intermediary institutions, might be eased by a collective answer to new market requests. In order to facilitate trust among involved local actors, cooperation and social capital play the key roles. The project aimed at identifying and understanding the role of the 'intermediary institutions' (e.g. trade unions etc.) in the cluster. This paper's focus is on the analysis of three industrial clusters in Tuscany, Italy.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 274637
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