haku: @freeterm mediation / yhteensä: 31
viite: 11 / 31
Tekijä:Poitras, J.
Otsikko:What makes parties trust mediators?
Lehti:Negotiation Journal
2009 : JUL, VOL. 25:3, p. 307-325
Vapaa asiasana:mediation
Tiivistelmä:A key element of the mediation process is the relationship of trust btw. mediators and parties. Herein, reviewed is the trust relationship from the parties' perspectives. A qualitative research methodology was used to identify five key factors explaining reasons for parties to trust the mediator: i. degree of mastery over the process, ii. explanation of the process, iii. consideration and warth, iv. chemistry with the parties, and v. lack of bias toward either party.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 274727
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