haku: @indexterm job satisfaction / yhteensä: 882
viite: 9 / 882
Tekijä:Wood, S.
Menezes, L. M. de
Otsikko:High involvement management, high-performance work system and well-being
Lehti:International journal of human resource management
2011 : APR-MAY, VOL. 22:7-9 p. 1586-1610
Asiasana:job satisfaction
payment by results
Vapaa asiasana:employee voice
high involvement management
Tiivistelmä:This article tries to develop theory of the effects on well-being of four dimensions of high-performance work systems: enriched jobs, high involvement management, employee voice, and motivational supports. Hypothesized conceptions are tested using multilevel models and data from Britain's Workplace Employment Relations Survey of 2004 (WERS2004). Results indicate that enriched jobs are positively associated with both indicators of well-being: job satisfaction and anxiety–contentment. Voice is positively associated with job satisfaction, and motivational supports with neither measure. The results for high involvement management does not confirm the hypotheses because it increases anxiety and is not related with job satisfaction.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 275047
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