haku: @indexterm Volatility / yhteensä: 330
viite: 16 / 330
Tekijä:Novy, D
Otsikko:Trade costs and the open macroeconomy
Lehti:Scandinavian Journal of Economics
2010 : SEP, VOL 112:3 p. 514-545
Asiasana:economic integration
exchange rates
international trade
Tiivistelmä:Trade costs are a major obstacle to international economic integration. In the footsteps of the approach of New Open Economy Macroeconomics, this paper inspects the impacts of international trade costs in a micro-founded general equilibrium model that allows for different magnitudes of exchange rate pass-through. Trade costs are verified to create an endogenous home bias in consumption. The model performs well in matching empirical trade proportions for OECD countries. In addition, trade costs diminish cross-country output and consumption correlations, and they intensify exchange rate volatility. Trade costs change a monetary expansion to a beggar-thy-neighbor policy.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 275113
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