haku: @indexterm families / yhteensä: 347
viite: 4 / 347
Tekijä:Bryan, M.L.
Sevilla-Sanz, A.
Otsikko:Does housework lower wages? Evidence for Britain
Lehti:Oxford Economic Papers
2011 : JAN, VOL 63:1 p. 187--210
Asiasana:United Kingdom
Vapaa asiasana:wages
wage differentials
Great Britain
Tiivistelmä:This paper makes use of the British Household Panel Survey to present the estimates of the housework-wage relationship for the first time in Britain. Controlling for permanent unobserved heterogeneity, it is found that housework has a negative effect on the wages of men and women, both married and single, working full-time. Among part-time working women, only single women suffer a housework penalty. The housework penalty is similar across occupations within full-time jobs but certain part-time jobs seem to be more compatible with housework than others. Tentative evidence is found for the housework penalty being larger when there are children present.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 275150
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