haku: @indexterm pay differentials / yhteensä: 240
viite: 3 / 240
Tekijä:Magda, I. (et. al)
Otsikko:Wage differentials across sectors in Europe
Lehti:Economics of transition
2011 : OCT, VOL 19:4, p. 749-769
Asiasana:transition economies
eastern Europe
central Europe
pay differentials
Vapaa asiasana:wage differentials
inter-industry comparisons
Tiivistelmä:Utilizing a unique harmonized linked employer-employee dataset, this paper studies the structure and determinants of wage differentials between industries in Central and Eastern European (or CEE) countries (Czech Republic, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland) and compares them to those existing in Western European states. Findings show major differences in earnings between sectors in all countries, even after controlling for a wide range of employee, job and employer characteristics. The wage hierarchy of sectors appears to be quite uniform in Eastern and Western European countries, although the former have a tendency of having higher levels of dispersion of inter-industry wage differentials.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 275264
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