haku: @indexterm economic growth / yhteensä: 1784
viite: 13 / 1784
Tekijä: | Belloumi, M. |
Otsikko: | The relationship between tourism receipts, real effective exchange rate and economic growth in Tunisia |
Lehti: | International Journal of Tourism Research
2010 : SEP/OCT, VOL.12:5, p. 550-560 |
Asiasana: | tourism economic growth cointegration models Africa Tunisia |
Vapaa asiasana: | Granger causality |
Kieli: | eng |
Tiivistelmä: | This paper aims to analyse the role of tourism in the Tunisian economic growth. Utilized is a trivariate model of real gross domestic product (GDP), real international tourism receipts and real effective exchange rate to deal with the relationship btw. tourism and economic growth. By using annual data for Tunisia from 1970 to 2007, it is found that there is a cointegrating relationship btw. tourism and economic growth. Moreover, the results for the Granger causality test indicate tourism having a positive impact on GDP growth unidirectionally. |