haku: @journal_id 3164 / yhteensä: 183
viite: 14 / 183
Tekijä:Di Domenico, M.L.
Ball, K.
Otsikko:A hotel inspector calls: exploring surveillance at the home-work interface
2011 : SEP, VOL. 18:5, p. 615-636
Asiasana:hotel and catering industry
Vapaa asiasana:exposure
covert surveillance
hotel inspector
Tiivistelmä:This article reviews inspection experiences in the home-based context of the B&B and in that regard contributes to surveillance theory, specifically to the concept of 'exposure'. Empirical research shows how B&B proprietors arrange their exposure to surveillance in their homes when taking part in the tourist board's accommodation grading process. A part of their 'lifestyle businesses' is exposing the context of their own lives to their paying guests, and by expanding to the hotel inspectors from the tourist board with its own concealed inspectorial procedures. The perspectives of both the inspector and the proprietor are considered.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 275515
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