haku: @indexterm job satisfaction / yhteensä: 882
viite: 4 / 882
Tekijä:Sonnentag, S.
Ilies, R.
Otsikko:Intra-individual processes linking work and employee well-being: introduction into the special issue
Lehti:Journal of Organizational Behavior
2011 : MAY, VOL. 32:4 p. 521-525
Asiasana:organizational behaviour
job satisfaction
employee attitudes
Vapaa asiasana:organizational citizenship behavior
Tiivistelmä:This special issue presents eight empirical papers on intra-individual processes related to employee well-being in organization, including following articles:
"What makes a creative day? A diary study on the interplay between affect, job stressors, and job control" by C. Binnewies and S. C. Wörnlein
"I owe you one: coworker reciprocity as a moderator of the day-level exhaustion-performance relationship" by J. R. B. Halbesleben and A. R. Wheeler
"Dynamic patterns of flow in the workplace: characterizing within-individual variability using a complexity science approach" by L. Ceja and J. Navarro
SCIMA tietueen numero: 275698
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