haku: @indexterm multinational companies / yhteensä: 2251
viite: 7 / 2251
Tekijä:Saka-Helmhout, A.
Geppert, M.
Otsikko:Different forms of agency and institutional influences within multinational enterprises
Lehti:Management International Review
2011 : VOL. 51:5 p. 567-592
Asiasana:international business
chemical industry
case studies
subsidiary companies
multinational companies
Tiivistelmä:This study examines the several forms of institutional and agency effects that are found within multinational enterprises (MNE) by using systematic comparative case studies of two big MNE in the chemical industry. The affiliation of subsidiaries is also identified with a specific MNE coordination structure. It is found that the heterogeneity of institutional settings per se is not enough to promote active agency.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 275724
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