haku: @indexterm GERMANY / yhteensä: 2881
viite: 12 / 2881
Tekijä:Falkenreck, C.
Wagner, R.
Otsikko:The impact of perceived innovativeness on maintaining a buyer-seller relationship in health care markets: A cross-cultural study
Lehti:Journal of Marketing Management
2011 : MAR, VOL. 27:3-4, p. 225-242
Asiasana:customer relations
corporate image
transition economies
industrial marketing
Tiivistelmä:This article concentrates on the role of perceived innovativeness, as well as corporate reputation, for the buyer-seller relationship and thus supplements previous studies of customer satisfaction and loyalty. An extension of the conceptual model is done within the commitment-trust framework. A set of research propositions is constructed using data from three Western markets (Finland, Germany, and Spain) and the transition economy of Russia. Our study enlarges current models on service quality expectations and customer satisfaction in business-to-business (B2B) marketing, questioning the importance of innovativeness and corporate reputation. The results indicate expectations in products and services affecting the perceived value for money in Russia and Germany only. The perceived innovativeness of the vendors appears to be relevant in three out of four cultures. One of the study's managerial implications is that the values in exchange are clearly related to the customers' cultural values. Hence, in addition to the concept of utility, also the concepts of value in use and values in exchange require cultural embedded marketing interpretations. Also, a set of rules of thumb is derived to help practitioners improve their business.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 275756
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