haku: @indexterm Decision making / yhteensä: 3774
viite: 20 / 3774
Tekijä:Leonard, E.
Perin, E.
Pochet, P.
Otsikko:The European sectoral social dialogue: questions of representation and membership
Lehti:Industrial Relations Journal
2011 : MAY, VOL. 42:3, p. 254-272
Asiasana:industrial relations
collective bargaining
decision making
European Union
Vapaa asiasana:labour unions
Tiivistelmä:In the arguments on the European social dialogue as a possible level of supranational industrial relations, the essential questions of representations and mandates are often neglected. To what extent is the European sectoral social dialogue able to act for national constituencies across 27 Member States in the perspective of collective action by European associations? This study addresses this question by using three dimensions: the representation of heterogeneous members, the differing degrees of national players' commitment in the European committees and finally, the outlining of a common agenda among members.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 275821
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