haku: @indexterm competitive strategy / yhteensä: 45
viite: 13 / 45
Tekijä:Assudani, R.H.
Otsikko:Dispersed knowledge work - implications for knowledge intensive firms
Lehti:Journal of Knowledge Management
2009 : VOL. 13:6, p. 521-532
Asiasana:knowledge management
competitive strategy
remote work
Tiivistelmä:Despite increased use of dispersed (herein as: dspsd.) teams, understanding has fallen behind on how to manage knowledge effectively and efficiently in a dspsd. structure. This paper aims to map this domain by reviewing two streams of literatures, that is, the knowledge-based view of the firm and the dspsd. work. It is also aimed to explore the implications of dspsd. knowledge work on firms, particularly knowledge intensive firms increasingly conducting dspsd. work. Based on literature review and analyses in order to examine reasons for the problems in accessing and creating knowledge in dspsd. work environments, raised is the issue of understanding the important dynamics of the fit btw. the structure (dispersed vs. face-to-face) and the strategy for managing dspsd. knowledge (codification vs. personalization strategy).
SCIMA tietueen numero: 275964
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