haku: @indexterm Effectiveness / yhteensä: 756
viite: 11 / 756
Tekijä: | Leask, A. |
Otsikko: | Progress in visitor attraction research: towards more effective management |
Lehti: | Tourism Management
2010 : APR, VOL. 31:2, p. 155-166 |
Asiasana: | tourist industry effectiveness management travel marketing management |
Kieli: | eng |
Tiivistelmä: | Visitor attractions (VAs) have a key role in a tourism destination's success, acting as crucial visit motivators and as resources for local communities. The range of stakeholders involved means that managing them effectively has great importance in the destination and the overall success of a country's tourism product. However, they remain an under-researched part of the tourism system. This article analyzes and reflects on research publications related to this sector. It sets the broader research context and observes the key management issues experienced at VAs. The limitations of current work in this field are identified and factors', such as ownership's and visitor volume's, help in explaining the complexities encountered in managing VAs is established. The paper covers a set of themes to structure discussion of prior research activity and provides a model of factors included in effective VA management. We conclude with the development of a research agenda for researchers in the field of VA. |