haku: @indexterm stress / yhteensä: 534
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Tekijä:Vidgen, R.
Sims, J.
Powell, P.
Otsikko:Understanding e-mail overload
Lehti:Journal of communication management
2011 : VOL. 15:1, p. 84-98
Asiasana:knowledge management
electronic mail
Tiivistelmä:This paper aims to explore the impact of e-mail on individuals and organizations, providing a framework formulating e-mail management as a complex and multi-stranded issue.
Using Lee's five central concepts for understanding hermeneutics, that is, autonomization, appropriation, distanciation, social construction, and enactment, and applying these to the problem of e-mail overload, it is contributed herein to the theoretical understanding of e-mail use in organizations, and developed a practitioner toolkit for implementing change in the use of e-mail.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 276417
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