haku: @indexterm ACADEMIC RESEARCH / yhteensä: 73
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Tekijä:Kunz, W. H.
Hogreve, J.
Otsikko:Toward a deeper understanding of service marketing: The past, the present and the future
Lehti:International Journal of Research in Marketing
2011 : SEP, VOL 28:3, p. 231-247
Asiasana:service marketing
marketing research
academic research
Tiivistelmä:The purpose of the article is to review the existing body of research on service marketing from the years 1992-1009. Using a citation-based approach the authors derive insights for the most promising research directions. The findings show the influences of different research topics on service marketing. Also, it seems that the main topics have changed their research orientations over time. The citation-based analysis indicates that the most promising topics in the field are: managing business-to-business and services & service infusion, complaint handling & service recovery, and enhancing and managing the service value chain.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 276427
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