haku: @indexterm markets / yhteensä: 2197
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Tekijä:Woodward, R.T.
Otsikko:Double-dipping in environmental markets
Lehti:Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
2011 : MAR, VOL. 61:2, p. 153-169
Asiasana:environmental policy
numerical analysis
Tiivistelmä:There is an increasing tendency to use markets to induce the provision of environmental services (henceforth as: env-srvs). With such markets increasing in scope, potential market participants may possibly sell several env-srvs.
It is questioned herein whether participants in such markets ought to be allowed selling credits in more than one market at the same time. It is shown that in case the optimal level of pollution abatement is sought, then double-dipping maximizes societal net benefits etc. Explored are conditions under which a single-market policy is preferred, or equivalently, where gradual policies are likely to yield especially inefficient outcomes.
SCIMA tietueen numero: 276433
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