haku: @indexterm social responsibility / yhteensä: 844
viite: 8 / 844
Tekijä: | Grafström, M. Windell, K. |
Otsikko: | The role of infomediaries: CSR in the business press during 2000-2009 |
Lehti: | Journal of Business Ethics
2011 : OCT I, VOL. 103:2, p. 221-237 |
Asiasana: | corporate responsibility social responsibility media coverage |
Vapaa asiasana: | business press mediation CSR |
Kieli: | eng |
Tiivistelmä: | In this article media is seen as a key infomediary. It is explored how the business press has framed and presented corporate social responsibility (CSR) during the last 10 years. Based on a content analysis of how CSR is presented in two English-language business newspapers with an international readership, a framework is developed for understanding the role of business media setting the corporate (here as: corp.) CSR agenda. It is shown that business media contribute to the construction of what CSR means in corp. practice by creating links btw. CSR and certain corp. activities, btw. CSR and arguments that enforce the view of CSR as a business case, and btw. CSR and certain spokespersons. These links contribute to create a notion of what CSR stands for, what it means in practice, and why it is important that one should pay attention to. |